  1. €18,000
  1. + VAT 22%
Vehicle type and bodytype
  1. trailer (trailer)
  1. 2018
Base curb weight
  1. 4800 kg
Gross vehicle weight rating
  1. 28000 kg
Load carring capacity
  1. 19200 kg
Location of the vehicle
  1. Pärnu
Brought from
  1. Brought from: Estonia
Safety and security equipment
Underride guard
  1. +
ABS brakes
  1. +
Tires and wheels
1. axle
  1. 275/70/22.5
2. axle
  1. 275/70/22.5
3. axle
  1. 275/70/22.5
BPW axles
  1. +
Other equipment
Other equipment
  1. õhuga reguleeritavad koormakinnitid; teine telg tõstetav