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Ford Focus 1.6 92kW

Type passenger car
Bodytype touring
Initial reg 04/2012
Engine 1.6 92kW
Fuel petrol
Mileage 250 000 km
Drive front-wheel drive
Transmission automatic
Color gray
Reg. number reg. nr
VIN Check history
Price EUR 4500
VAT 0% (no VAT accrue)
Bargain price EUR 2999
VAT 0% (no VAT accrue)
Ford Focus 1.6 92kW
Ford Focus 1.6 92kWFord Focus 1.6 92kWFord Focus 1.6 92kWFord Focus 1.6 92kW

Technical specs


number of doors:5
length:4606 mm
width:1823 mm
height:1505 mm

Weights, measures

base curb weight:1396 kg
gross weight:1825 kg
load carring capacity:429 kg
braked trailer weight limit:1000 kg
unbraked trailer weight limit:670 kg
wheelbase:2648 mm


displacement:1.6 l
power:92 kW
max speed:193 km/h
displacement:1596 cm³
CO2 (NEDC):146 g/km


fuel consumption (NEDC): 
- in a city:8.7 l/100 km
- on a freeway:4.9 l/100 km
- average:6.3 l/100 km


number of axles:2

Other information

Registered in Estonia, inspection valid until 03.2025
Brought from: Estonia
Location of a vehicle: Estonia

Korralik auto,õlid filtrid just vahetatud.ees uued õõtsad ja rooli otsad . seest ilus korras midagi katki ei ole .KIIRE .HIND EI OLE ENAM TINGITAV!

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