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Ford Focus ELEGANCE 1.6 80kW

Type passenger car
Bodytype touring
Initial reg 12/2006
Engine 1.6 80kW
Fuel diesel
Mileage 280 000 km · service book
Drive front-wheel drive
Transmission manual
Color light green met.
Reg. number reg. nr
VIN Check history
Price EUR 2500
VAT 0% (no VAT accrue)
Bargain price EUR 1990
VAT 0% (no VAT accrue)
Ford Focus ELEGANCE 1.6 80kW
Ford Focus ELEGANCE 1.6 80kWFord Focus ELEGANCE 1.6 80kWFord Focus ELEGANCE 1.6 80kWFord Focus ELEGANCE 1.6 80kWFord Focus ELEGANCE 1.6 80kWFord Focus ELEGANCE 1.6 80kWFord Focus ELEGANCE 1.6 80kWFord Focus ELEGANCE 1.6 80kWFord Focus ELEGANCE 1.6 80kWFord Focus ELEGANCE 1.6 80kW

Technical specs


number of doors:5
length:4590 mm
width:1840 mm
height:1500 mm


fuel consumption (NEDC): 
- in a city:5 l/100 km
- on a freeway:3.8 l/100 km
- average:4.5 l/100 km


displacement:1.6 l
power:80 kW
CO2 (NEDC):127 g/km

Weights, measures

base curb weight:1391 kg
gross weight:1885 kg
load carring capacity:494 kg
braked trailer weight limit:1300 kg
unbraked trailer weight limit:695 kg
wheelbase:2640 mm


number of axles:2

Other information

Registered in Estonia, inspection valid until 06.2025
Brought from: Germany
Location of a vehicle: Rakvere, Estonia

Heas korras ford focus diisel,..Autol KLIIMAseade,el.aknad,kompuuter,esiklaasisoojendus,KONKS jne...Tehtud hooldused veermikus uued amordid uued õõtsad ja zarniirid,piduri suportid.hammasrihm vahetatud,õlid ja filtrid jne..Uued rehvid...hea minekuga ja ökonoomne auto 4,5l 100km...Tehtud värske ülevaatus kehtib 2025 juuni... Näeb ka mujal eestis...

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