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Yamaha MT-07 54kW

Type mototechnics
Bodytype classical motorcycle
Initial reg 04/2023
Engine 689cm³ 54kW
Fuel petrol
Mileage 6 100 km
Drive rear-wheel drive
Transmission manual
Color black
Reg. number reg. nr
VIN VINCheck history
Price EUR 7500
VAT 0% (no VAT accrue)
Bargain price EUR 7200
VAT 0% (no VAT accrue)
Yamaha MT-07 54kW
Yamaha MT-07 54kWYamaha MT-07 54kWYamaha MT-07 54kW
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ABS brakes, LED, outside temperature display, Akrapovic racing line full exhaust system, Yamaha sport(high) seat,

Technical specs


power:54 kW
max speed: 
displacement:689 cm³
final drive: 



Other information

Registered in Estonia, inspection valid until 04.2027
Location of a vehicle: Tallinn, Estonia

Ostetud Yamaha keskusest 2023 kevadel.
Kaasa originaal väljalase, suurem nr. märgi alus, originaal iste
Sügisel tehtud õlivahetus, talve veetnud soojas garaazis

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